When should you get rid of your kitchen sponge

kitchen sponge
Kitchens are often one of the grimiest places in the house. That is why cleaning them on a regular basis is extremely important. Kitchen cleaning with dirty tools, however, will not do the trick. Sponges, cloths, and brushes are mostly used for washing dishes, countertops, wiping tables, and other surfaces that easily get unclean. As a rule of thumb, you should replace your sponge once a month. However, if you are using them unusually often, or you clean very filthy things with them, you may need to replace them more often.

There are several things you can look out for that will show you that it is time to get a new sponge. If you notice that your sponges are starting to smell or fall apart before the one-month mark, it is certainly time to get rid of them.
If you are not sure whether you should replace your sponge or not, you may as well just do it. After all, sponges are inexpensive and easy to find so it is best to be safe and just grab a new one. It is surely better to be safe than sorry, especially when it comes to cleanliness.

Anyways, we want to help you bring your cleaning to the next level and this article is just about that. We will share a few signs you should look out for. If you notice any of those, throw your old sponge in the rubbish, grab a new one and use it instead. Do not compromise when cleaning, especially when it comes to your equipment. Sponges collect grime, bacteria, and microbes. The constant moisture, on top of everything, makes them a perfect spot for nastiness.

Here is what you should keep an eye on

1. The sponge is visibly discoloured or stained
In general, you can tell if the sponge should be replaced just by looking at it. Stains that come from washing dishes or cleaning up messes will go away relatively easily. However, when you notice that your sponge is visibly stained and cannot be washed, it is best to get rid of it. Another sign of a worn-out sponge is its colour. Sponges usually come in bright colours and whenever those fade out, you can replace your cleaning tool with a fresh one.
2. The sponge has developed a sour smell
Even if your sponge looks fine, you can tell it is old by the smell of it. Often, the smell is more obvious than the stains. Like most fabrics that stay wet for a prolonged period of time, sponges develop mould and mildew. In fact, a lot of bacteria are thriving all over your sponge and certainly causing it to smell. If you sense a strong sour smell coming from your sponge, toss it in the bin immediately. Replace it with a new one. That will keep your kitchen smelling fresh and prevent your family and guests from eating off plates and using forks scrubbed with a mouldy sponge.
3. Your sponge is falling apart or disintegrating
If you use a lot of dishwashing liquid, your sponge may start falling apart before it shows any signs of ageing. Wear and tear on a sponge will make it less effective so it is best if you replace it as soon as you notice this happening so that you do not compromise the quality of the cleaning. Make sure you are also using good-quality cleaning products for your dishwashing. That will help dissolve the grease and grime that are found on your dishes and your sponge will not have to do all the work.
4. You can’t remember when you last replaced your sponge
If you are reading this article and wondering when you last got a new sponge, this is your sign to get up and do it. If you cook a lot and often scrub pots and pans, you will surely need to replace your sponge more often than someone that usually orders takeout.

How to keep your sponge fresh for longer

• Have a designated place for your sponge, ideally in a dry, well-ventilated area. Avoid leaving it at the bottom of your sink, or tightly stuffing it in a small cleaning caddy. When not dried properly, it will trap moisture and develop mould, mildew, and unpleasant smells. Consider purchasing a sponge holder – it will allow it to stay clean and dry.
• Use the correct sponge for the particular task you are tackling. If you are trying to scrub a pot or a pan that is covered in burnt food, use a scrubber sponge instead of a soft one. By pushing the limit of your sponge, you will cause it to get worn out faster than usual.

Do not forget to replace your sponges regularly. By doing this, you will ensure that your household is fresh and healthy. What is more, shopping for sponges can be a lot of fun – they come in a lot of colours and shapes and you can pick ones that you enjoy so that doing the dishes is not such a pain.