Unusual uses for everyday items

There are so many things around the house that can actually be used for much more than they are originally designated for. Keep reading to find out what amazing things you can use random everyday objects for.

Newspaper – Newspaper is designed to be very absorbent (it has to absorb ink). That, however, also means that it is able to absorb all kinds of moisture, such as wetness and the odours that accumulate as a result. You can use them in shoes or vegetable drawers or in pretty much any other space that is damp and musty. Here are some more uses of newspapers:

1. Ripen tomatoes – If your tomatoes are not as ripe as you would like them to be, wrap each one in newspaper and let them sit at room temperature.
2. Pack delicate items – If you are moving or sending a package full of fragile items, you can use newspaper to wrap them and avoid cracking or scratching. You can also use it to fill the remaining space between them.
3. Clean windows and glass surfaces – Window cleaning is a delicate job but you can use newspapers and glass cleaner to shine your windows and remove any tough streaks.
4. Keep your snowy winter boots – Make a pile of newspapers by the door and whenever you or your kids come home with wet shoes, throw them on the newspaper. You will avoid puddles in your hall.
5. Keep your refrigerator vegetable drawer dry and free of smells – Line the bottom and sides of your vegetable drawer with newspapers. They will absorb any excess moisture and keep bad odours at bay.

Olive oil –
It is delicious and can be found in most households. However, you can use it for a lot more than for dressing. It is a great lubricant and is good for shining up and cleaning certain surfaces. Here are some interesting uses for olive oil:
1. Shaving – Olive oil can provide you with a closer shave when used instead of shaving cream. Your skin will be extremely soft and hydrated as well.
2. Remove eye makeup – Eye makeup, especially waterproof, can be a pain to get rid of. If you are struggling with this, put some olive oil on a cotton ball and dab it around your eyes. Gently rub it with your fingers, then rinse it off with warm water.
3. Treat dry skin – If your skin is dry, sensitive, and often cracks, you can rub a thin layer of olive oil on it a couple of times a day. It will soften your skin and protect it as well.
4. Cleaning and shining wooden furniture – Grab a microfiber cloth, pour some olive oil on it and wipe your wooden furniture with it. You will be able to remove the dust and restore the glossy, healthy shine of the wood.

Dryer sheets – Dryer sheets are activated by heat and motion and release positively charged ingredients that neutralise the static electricity that builds up by your clothes rubbing together. There are some more uses for those sheets that you probably already have at home:
1. Cleaning pet hair from clothes and furniture – If you have pets, you can rub a dryer sheet over the area where the animal left its fur.
2. Cleaning stuck-on food from pots and pans – Lay a sheet or two at the bottom of the pan, pour some lukewarm water on top, and let it sit overnight.
3. Prevent old books from smelling musty when in storage – Stick a dryer sheet between the pages of the book.
4. Remove sawdust – Rub a dryer sheet to remove all those fine wood particles.
5. Prevent thread from tangling while sewing – Run a threaded needle through a dryer sheet and never worry about tangles.

Coffee filters – Coffee filters have good ‘’wet strength’’ and can be quite useful around the house apart from making you a nice hot cup of coffee in the morning. Here is what you can use them for:
1. Diffuse the flash of your camera – When you are taking a close-up and want to soften the brightness, place a coffee filter over the flash.
2. Strain wine from a bottle with a broken cork – Slowly pour the wine through a coffee filter to avoid any cork particles getting into it.
3. Serve snacks – the cupcake shape of the filters will allow you to serve snacks in them. They are disposable so there is no need for washing them.
4. Prevent scuffs and scratches on fine china – Flatten a filter and place it between your plates when stocking them. You will protect them from getting scratched.
5. Clean windows and glass – If you are out of paper towels, use a coffee filter and some glass cleaner. You will be able to get a streak-free surface and you will avoid annoying white leftover particles on the glass, because of their strength. They will not dissolve and one filter will go a long way.