The ultimate list for the cleanest kitchen

Sometimes, we all need a good cleaning around the whole house. Whenever the time comes, you realise your kitchen is one of the dirtiest and hardest to clean. Even if you have been tackling some tasks over the weekend, hidden places will accumulate dirt, grime, and grease., If you want to spare yourself some time and effort, you must always maintain cleanliness in your kitchen. Even though it seems hard to achieve, it is not. There are certain places around the kitchen that simply gather more dirt than others. If you manage to take care of those, you will be able to generally keep your kitchen cleaner and neater.

If you don’t have a lot of free time, you can simply take on small tasks. Scrubbing the sink between errands, or cleaning your countertop are all tiny tasks that will, in fact, make a huge change in your kitchen’s overall condition. In this article, we will share a number of quick tasks that will help you maintain the clean and proper condition of your kitchen. As long as you do these on a regular basis, grime and dirt accumulation will be prevented and you will be able to enjoy a much nicer kitchen. Some of those can be done while you are on the phone! Try them out and see what works best for you. Still, if cleaning is not your thing, you can always turn to professional kitchen cleaners to do the job for you.

Cleaning the gunk around the sink

Gunk around the sink is inevitable. If you do not own a pot/pan scraper, maybe now is the time to invest in one. If you in fact have some, it is best to separate them and use one for cleaning your pans and one for cleaning grime around the sink. If you notice there is some gunk buildup around your kitchen sink faucet, scrape it away. Make sure not to scrape off the caulk at the same time. Use a durable, pointed edge of bamboo or plastic scraper to remove weeks worth of grime, dirt, and grime. Yes, it might not be the most pleasant job but it is definitely satisfying.

Removing scuff marks

Scuff marks, sauce splatters, and grimy fingerprints can accumulate very quickly on pretty much any surface around the kitchen. If you want to get rid of them quickly, all you need is a magic eraser and a few minutes to inspect all the surfaces around. Look around, especially on door frames where little child fingers can reach, as well as the front of your cabinets, handles, and countertops. Even though those might be invisible at first sight, if you look for them, you will manage to find some. Most likely, there are going to be stains and smudges around the door knobs and handles. Fortunately for you, nothing a magic eraser cannot handle.

Wiping under the refrigerator

In fact, the space between your refrigerator bottom and the floor tends to collect dirt, dust, grime, and hair. Whenever you find the time, make sure you get rid of those. Whenever not regularly removed, those tend to get stuck into crevices and edges where they become nearly impossible to remove once they have settled.
To get a quick clean, all you have to do is grab your vacuum and run it underneath. Use the nozzle attachment for extra efficiency. Once you are done, grab a wet wipe and drag it along the floor under the fridge. You will ensure the thorough removal of dirt, dust, and grime. Keep in mind that if you have a pet, a lot of its fur is going to collect underneath appliances.

Clean the vegetable drawer

Recent studies show that one of the dirtiest places in a refrigerator is indeed the vegetable drawer. A lot of bacteria, moisture, and grime accumulate in that place. To properly get rid of it, remove the drawer, give it a good cleaning with hot water and soap, then wipe it down with an antibacterial wipe. By doing this you will be able to kill Salmonella, listeria, and mould. You will also ensure proper storage for your fruits and vegetables.

Hardware cleaning

The more you touch surfaces, the more bacteria and germs accumulate on them. In order to properly prevent them from spreading, you must wipe down all door knobs, handles, and cabinet doors. Whenever your hands touch anything around the kitchen, bacteria and microbes find their way around. You can use antibacterial or disinfecting wipes for the job, or simply wash everything with hot water and soap once in a while. This will remove fingerprints and watermarks, as well as kill most germs accumulated on the surfaces on hand. Unless your hardware is copper or aluminium, you should clean them at least once a month in order to ensure cleanliness in your kitchen.

Take those steps to ensure the proper neat and clean condition in your kitchen.