How to clean a crystal chandelier?

Crystal chandeliers are elegant and beautiful. They can add a luxurious touch to any space. Nowadays these types of fixtures come in a variety of shapes and materials like glass, acrylic, or even real crystals.
Unfortunately, no matter what materials your chandelier is made of, it will get dirty and dusty with time. That will make it look dull and take away from its beautiful look. Cleaning chandeliers can be difficult and time-consuming. Make sure you have a lot of time on your hands because if you want to get the job done in one session, you will need it.

Crystal chandeliers should be dusted weekly. That will prevent dust and dirt from building up on them. Whenever you are doing your regular weekly dusting, take care of the chandelier first so any loose particles can end up on the floor that you will clean last.
Depending on the location of your chandelier you will need to clean it more or less often. If it is in the kitchen or bathroom, you will need to clean it a bit more often than in other places. Grease and spray-on products will cause buildup that will attract more dirt.
It is best to clean your crystal chandelier seasonally or at least twice a year.

Be really careful when cleaning a chandelier. Use a secure ladder and work gently. If your fixture is expensive, extra fragile, or in a tough-to-reach place, you better leave it to professionals.

You will need:

  1. sturdy ladder
  2. feather/microfiber duster
  3. plastic tarp/drop cloth
  4. white cotton gloves
  5. microfiber cloths
  6. commercial glass cleaner
  7. needle-nose pliers
  8. isopropyl alcohol
  9. spray bottle
  10. distilled water
  11. padded moving blanket
  12. dishwashing liquid
  13. sink or large plastic bucket

How to clean a crystal chandelier without removing the crystals?

1. Prepare the area – Move any furniture that can be found directly under the chandelier. Place a plastic tarp or a drop cloth on the floor. Those will catch any drips of water or products that may ruin your flooring. Place a sturdy ladder slightly off center, in a place where you can reach all crystals.
2. Turn off the fixture – In order to protect the wiring and yourself, it is best to turn off the breaker to that area of the house. Make sure you still have adequate lighting in order to properly clean the chandelier. Turn off the wall switch and allow the light bulbs to cool off before you start cleaning the fixture.
3. Dust the chandelier – Use a feather/lambswool or a microfiber duster to remove as much dust and cobwebs as possible
4. Mix a cleaning solution – If you don’t want to use a commercial glass cleaner, you can mix a DIY solution of 1 part rubbing alcohol and 4 parts distilled water. It will leave your chandelier sparkling clean. Mix this in a spray bottle for easy application.

Extra tip: You can either wear an apron with large pockets to keep the spray bottle and other cleaning tools, or put them in a bucket and hang it on the ladder.
5. Clean in sections – Use a microfiber cloth sprayed with the cleaning solution in order to wipe all sides of the crystals. Then use a lint-free cloth in order to dry them. Avoid spraying the cleaning mixture directly on the crystals since that may damage their finish. When finished, move to another section of the chandelier. Do not spin the fixture since that may damage the wiring or compromise the sturdiness of the installation.

How to clean a chandelier by removing the crystals?

If the crystals of our chandelier are too dirty, it might be easier to remove them when cleaning. If you have crystals in various shapes and sizes, you may want to take pictures in order to make it easier to remember their correct places.

1. Prepare the working area – Put a padded blanket underneath the chandelier. It will catch any crystals that you may drop. You may need needle nose pliers to help you unfasten some of the crystals. Turn off the wall switch and let the bulbs cool off.
2. Remove the crystals – Work in sections and remove all crystals. Use a microfiber cloth in order to dust and clean the fixture when it is crystal-free.
3. Wash the crystals – Fill a sink or a large plastic tub with water and add a few drops of dishwashing liquid. Line the tub with a towel or a rubber rug in order to prevent chipping or damage to the crystals. Wash the individual crystals with a soft cloth or a sponge. Rinse with cool water and dry with a lint-free cloth.
4. Reassemble the chandelier – Use the pictures you took earlier in order to place the crystals correctly. Wear cotton gloves in order to prevent smudges and fingerprints.

Tips to maintain the cleanliness of your chandelier:

• dust your chandelier regularly. That will prevent dust and dirt buildup.
• Do not use ammonia-based cleaning products. They may damage the finish of the crystals.