DIY cleaning sprays that will change your cleaning routine

Did you know that most of the commercial cleaning products that you use are actually not safe and often contain many warnings. If you want to be able to thoroughly clean your place while being safe at the same time, keep reading and see what DIY cleaning product recipes we have to share with you.

All you have to use is simple products that you already have around the house so take notes and enjoy using safe, eco-friendly and effective products.

  1. Floor Spray

It is not easy to find a floor cleaner that is suitable for all types of flooring. This recipe is easy to mix, gentle on your floor and doesn’t need to be rinsed away. It is also good for all types of hard floor surfaces, including tile, vinyl and hardwood.

You will only need three ingredients for this product and all you have to do is spray it on and mop your floor. This is a great all purpose, quick floor cleaner but you can also mix up a big batch and use it as a mop and bucket product.


– 1 ¾ cups of warm water

– 1-2 drops of Castile soap

– 3-5 drops of essential oil (lemon and clove combination is our personal favourite)

– glass spray bottle

Mix everything in the glass spray bottle and store for up to a month.

  1. Shower Spray

If you are sick and tired of scrubbing your bathroom and removing soap scum, you can add this amazing spray to your regular cleaning schedule. This is a great daily shower spray that will keep soap scum and mildew away. It will make the regular cleaning of your bathroom so much easier. This spray is extremely easy to make with only 3 ingredients.


– 1 cup water

-½ cup vodka (rubbing alcohol will work as well)

– 10 drops essential oil (spearmint and peppermint work best for bathrooms)

-glass spray bottle

Store in the bottle and always shake before using it. Spray your tub and shower with it after showering. Rinsing and wiping is not necessary but you can use a squeegee or a sponge after spraying. Experiment and see what works best for the particular type of tiles that you have.

  1. Glass and Mirror Spray

This is one of the best DIY cleaning sprays you can make. It is easy to mix, smells really fresh and works well. Unlike the commercial cleaners, it is safe to use and you don’t have to worry. It is perfect for all glass surfaces and mirrors and you only need 4 ingredients to make it.


– 1 ½ cups water

– 1 ½ tablespoons white vinegar

– 1 ½ tablespoons rubbing alcohol

– 3 drops essential oil

– glass spray bottle

You can spray it directly on mirrors, or on a cleaning cloth. Wipe for a streak-free clean surface. Store in the bottle and shake before using.

  1. All-purpose Spray

If you are new to DIY cleaning products, this recipe is one of the best you can start with. This cleaning solution is great for most surfaces and purposes. It smells clean and fresh, even though it contains vinegar. You only need 3 things in order to mix that spray and you can use it for every surface around the house (apart from stone).


– 1 ¼ cup water

– ½ cup white vinegar

– 10 drops essential oil

– glass spray bottle

Shake before using and store in the bottle. You can use this in bathrooms, counters, sinks and pretty much everywhere around the house. Do not use on stone. This product will last for up to a month.

  1. Exercise Mat Spray

Whether you are working out at home, or at the gym, you probably have a mat. Yoga or exercise mats are a must and if you use yours a lot, you should regularly clean and sanitise it. Ideally, you would do that after every exercise to remove any sweat and germs and prevent them from building up.


– ½ cup witch hazel or white vinegar

– 1 cup water

– 10 drops essential oil (lemon and lavender make a great combination for this purpose)

– glass spray bottle

Pour and mix all ingredients in the glass spray bottle. Shake well and spray all over your exercise mat. Wipe down with a damp cloth. You can use this on all kinds of gym equipment like weights, exercise blocks and others.

  1. Garbage freshener tabs

We all have experienced stinky garbage bins. It is inevitable, even if you regularly take it out. This recipe will help you get rid of the bad odour in a safe and natural way. You will need 4 simple ingredients and an ice cube tray.


– 2 cups baking soda

– 1 cup epsom salt

– ¼ cup water

– 15 drops essential oil (lemon, peppermint and lavender are great choices)

– silicone ice cube tray

Mix the baking soda and the epsom salt in a bowl. Slowly add water and mix until a thick paste is formed. Fizzing is normal. When properly mixed, add the essential oil to the solution. Fill the ice cube tray with the paste and let it dry for 24 hours. Outside in the sun works best. Store those in a glass jar and throw one at the bottom of the garbage bin, or whenever you feel like it is becoming stinky.