End of Tenancy Cleaning Woodford

Our End of Tenancy Cleaning service is situated in Woodford. We understand and handle the problems of all parties, including landlords, tenants, and real estate firms. You can trust that industry professionals will take care of your belongings and property. Our workers are all qualified professionals who have undergone specialised training. We ensure that every End of Tenancy Cleaning we provide is done accurately and to the highest standards. This is thanks to the large number of skilled employees who are well-equipped and familiar with the field. If you need a quote or a consultation, please contact us by email or phone. We will provide high-quality services that suit all of our customers needs at a fair price.

End of Tenancy Cleaning

Studio Flatfrom £116
One Bedroom Propertyfrom £161
Two Bedroom Propertyfrom £189
Three Bedroom Propertyfrom £220
  • 48 hours guarantee service
  • Clean appliances
  • Clean and disinfect toilet, sink, bidets
  • Clean bath and shower area
  • Remove dust from shelves
  • Remove all grease and grime where applicable
  • Clean inside/outside your microwave, oven, fridge/freezer

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    How to book Fast End of Tenancy Cleaning and what is included

    The End of Tenancy Cleaning includes deep cleaning of all surfaces and areas of the property. Since new tenants are about to move in, the whole place needs to be immaculate. This is often a task that most people do not have the time to take care of when moving out. This is why we created a thorough check list for all our staff members. That way, we ensure that nothing will be missed and you will be able to receive your deposit back.
    There are a number of standards that need to be covered when it comes to this type of cleaning and we guarantee that our cleaners will achieve that. All surfaces will be dusted, polished, and disinfected. The bathroom and kitchen will be scrubbed and left spotless. All carpets and upholstery will be vacuumed and spot treated. Rest assured that you and your landlord will be satisfied. All you have to do is contact our company and book the End of Tenancy Cleaning.

    End of Tenancy Cleaning – checklist:

    General cleaning

    • Dust removal
    • Cobweb removal
    • Window cleaning
    • Vacuuming of upholstery and carpets
    • Hardfloor cleaning
    • Wall cleaning
    • Decluttering and cleaning of shelves and cupboards
    • Rubbish removal
    • Disinfection of frequently touched surfaces and areas
    • Window cleaning (upon request)
    • Steam cleaning of upholstery and carpets (upon request)
    • Appliance cleaning (upon request)

    Kitchen cleaning

    • Dust removal
    • Degreasing of all surfaces (splashbacks, tiled walls and cooking areas)
    • Scrubbing and washing of the sink and taps
    • Cleaning and sanitisation of basic kitchen appliances
    • Countertop cleaning, polishing, and disinfection
    • Cleaning and degreasing of your kitchen extractor
    • Decluttering and cleaning of kitchen cabinets
    • Table and chairs cleaning and disinfection
    • Disinfection of frequently touched surfaces (taps, light switched, and handles)
    • Deep oven cleaning (upon request)
    • Deep refrigerator cleaning (upon request)
    • Floor vacuuming, mopping, and disinfection (wood, tile, stone, and other materials)
    • Window cleaning (upon request)

    Bathroom cleaning

    • Descaling, scrubbing and disinfecting the toilet and its seat
    • Washing, polishing and disinfecting the sink and taps
    • Descaling, polishing and disinfecting the shower, its taps, hose and head
    • Removing soap scum and hard water stains from all tiled surfaces
    • Cleaning and disinfecting the bathtub/shower cabin
    • Drain unclogging and cleaning
    • Decluttering and cleaning of bathroom cabinets
    • All mirrors and glass surfaces – washed and polished
    • Countertop cleaning and disinfection
    • Mould and mildew removal
    • Grout cleaning
    • Stubborn stain and odour removal
    • Disposing of rubbish
    • Window cleaning (upon request)

    Bedroom cleaning

    • Dust removal
    • Cobweb removal
    • Decluttering and cleaning of wardrobe, cupboards and drawers
    • Closet cleaning and disinfection
    • Vacuuming of mattresses
    • Vacuuming of carpets and upholstery
    • Steam cleaning of mattresses, pillows, and large comforters (upon request)
    • Steam cleaning of carpets, upholstery, and curtains
    • Wall cleaning
    • Window cleaning (upon request)
    • Cleaning and polishing of shelves
    • Cleaning of mirrors
    • Disinfection of light switches, door handles, remote controls and other frequently touched objects and areas

    Questions we often receive about our End of Tenancy Cleaning Service

    How long does the end of tenancy cleaning service take?

    That depends on the size and overall condition of the property. The service does not have time limitations and the team will stay as long as needed in order to thoroughly take care of everything that needs to be done. For larger places, we will send a bigger team. Usually, for a 1-bedroom property the approximate time would be between 2-3 hours, and for a 3-bedroom property between 3-4 hours.

    Is exterior cleaning of the windows included in the end of tenancy cleaning service?

    While this job is not included in the end-of-tenancy cleaning service, we can include it in your pack. If you need your windows cleaned on the outside, do not forget to inform your booking agent when receiving a quote. Give them detailed information about the number of windows you need to be cleaned, as well as the height they are in.

    Will I receive some papers or documents that state that my property was professionally cleaned?

    Yes, we will provide you with a receipt that will say when your property was cleaned professionally.

    Can you come to clean my place during the weekend?

    Yes, our cleaning teams are available every day of the week.

    What should I do before the cleaners arrive at my place?

    The first, and most important thing is that you remove all your belongings from the property. Not only will that help the cleaners reach all places and areas and clean everything more efficiently but you will also ensure that no one will enter the house after the cleaning has been finished. Another important thing to remember is to defrost your refrigerator and freezer at least 24 hours prior to receiving the service.

    Can you deep clean my carpets and upholstery?

    Yes, even though the thorough cleaning (deep cleaning, shampooing, and steaming) of carpets and upholstery is not included in the price. If you would like to add this service to your end-of-tenancy cleaning, do not forget to mention it to your booking agent prior to booking. The cleaners can steam clean all carpeted surfaces, curtains, and upholstery for an additional charge. *When combined with the end-of-tenancy cleaning service, you will receive a 20% discount on the deep cleaning of carpets and upholstery service.

    Do I need to provide the cleaning products and equipment or do the cleaners come prepared?

    No, all cleaners performing the services in our company come fully equipped with everything needed for the particular task. They use the best equipment available on the cleaning market. The products we work with are high-quality professional brands. They are all eco-friendly, biodegradable, non-toxic, and completely safe.

    Receive a free quote and a personalised price whenever you book with Fast End of Tenancy Cleaning

    Because each property will have different tasks performed, owners will be given personalised prices based on the size and condition of their home, as well as the number of tasks they will receive. Whenever you call a booking agent, you will be asked for some basic information. Our agents will be able to calculate a price that will remain unchanged until the service is completed. You can be confident that you will only pay for what you receive. Do not hesitate to book one of the best End of Tenancy Cleaning in Woodford, E18.

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    Calculate the price for your End Of Tenancy Cleaning in Woodford

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    The team that will arrive at your place consists of extremely professional cleaners

    The cleaning team that will perform the End of Tenancy Cleaning at your place, consists of extremely experienced professional cleaners. They will arrive fully equipped with high quality tools and products, as well as a detailed task list that will help them ensure that no jobs have been overlooked. They will approach all issues quickly and efficiently. Top quality results will be provided to you.

    We cover all postcodes in Woodford

    end of tenancy cleaning by fast end of tenancy cleaners

    Book with Fast End of Tenancy Cleaning for a customized experience in E18

    Our business has thorough experience with the end of tenancy cleaning in London. We know what all the parties involved are interested in and how to satisfy all of them – landlords, tenants, and real estate companies. You may rest assured that your property and belongings will be handled with care by experts in the field. All our staff members are experienced professionals and have undergone special training. Every end of tenancy cleaning performed by us will be done correctly and up to all standards required. That is possible thanks to all the expert cleaners that are well-equipped, and have a vast knowledge of the matter. Please contact us via phone or email to request a quote or receive a consultation.
    We aim to provide all our customers with high-quality services and satisfy them, all at a reasonable price.

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    Some of our clients’ reviews about the End of Tenancy Cleaning

    I booked the end of tenancy cleaning service of this company and I was completely satisfied with the final results. I would recommend them to anyone.


    Professional staff, friendly customer service, and amazing cleaning results. I give it 10/10.


    I am so happy I found this company just in time for my moving. Everything went perfectly thanks to their team.


    This must be the best cleaning company I have worked with. I was not left disappointed.
